Safety Centre

of the LMU faculty of Physics (Garching),
LEX Photonics and CALA

Frequently Asked Questions

What shall I do when…

I have an urgent question to a safety commissioner but can't get hold of the responsible contact persons?
The main contact in questions of safety is Dr. Hans-Friedrich Wirth, see "contact".
If he's unavailable neither personally nor by phone write him an email and additionally contact your team leader.
I or a colleage of mine got injured?
Implicitly follow the instructions given in "emergency" → "work accidents"
my transponder suddenly doesn't work any more?
If you received a reminder-email to repeat a safety test and didn't do so, simply repeat the appropriate test. You will soon have access again.
Otherwise please contact Alexandra Herrmann (E 33).
I locate a water leak?
Immediately contact the company Caverion und report the damage (Mr. Geselle,  089 289 17606)
I locate an extraordinary pollution?
Please contact the company ISS which is responsible for the cleaning of the building (Mrs. Salcin,  089 78721 1001)