Safety Centre

of the LMU faculty of Physics (Garching),
LEX Photonics and CALA

Emergency Help

Work Accidents

In case of minor injuries:

  • First Aiders Klaus Franke, Hans-Friedrich Wirth, Johannes Wulz, Romy Knab , For more, see emergency plans on the right side →
  •  Locations of first aid kits:
    close to the stairwells on every floor
  •   Visit spezialized doctor "Durchgangsarzt" if necessary
    (ideally accompanied)
      find closest "Durchgangsarzt"

    Please fill in the PLZ, region (Ort) and search radius (Umkreis) to generate correct results (all three)

  • First aid log entry in responsible secretariat!
  • Accident notification to responsible secretariat and department for Safety, Health and Sustainability Office (SGN) via Dr. Hans-Friedrich Wirth!
     accident management SGN

In case of major injuries:

Fire Protection

If you find smoke or fire somewhere in the building, keep calm and be aware of the following:

  •  Fire brigade:
     112 (within the building),
     089 289 112 (e.g. from a mobile phone)
    for TUM fire brigade in Garching
  •  Escape routes:
    plans are posted in the entrance areas and stairwells
  •  Alarm boxes:
    in the entrance areas and stairwells
  •  Fire extinguishers:
    mostly located in the corridors and near the stairwells
  •  Assembly point:
    field to the south of the building